Saturday, 3 January 2015

Starting School guide. - 4 weeks to go

There are only four weeks until excited children and nervous parents start the preperation for the first day of school and kinder and whilst it might still feel like a long time to go, there are some important things you should be doing now to help with the transition.

- it's all about the Food

Food is so important for them when they start school, they need to eat the right food to have energy to get through the day.

Seems simple, but there are a few things you should check now, four weeks out.  Can your child open and close there lunchbox without help. Often kids can open there lunchbox but then struggle to close it unassisted. This means you end up with a great mess in the bottom of the school bag, 

Also how long will they have to eat, pack meals accordingly

My son is a very slow eater and in prep he was often coming home with most of his snacks still intact. I worked out that the snacks I was giving him were taking to long for him to eat, so he was coming home tired and hungry. Once we changed a few things, like tub yoghurt to reusable pouches. Cut up fruit over whole fruit he began eating more.

Best way to work this out is to do what we do, we start packing lunches now, 4 weeks before school starts that way I know that the kids can work there new lunchboxes. I know that they can eat the food within their designated eating time, and I work out how long I will need each morning to pack lunches with two toddlers helping.

Nowadays most schools have a strict no nut policy so work with that aswell. If your child only likes peanut butter sandwiches start exploring other options now. 
Does it have a nude food policy, if so then what lunchbox are you going to use, do you need to buy reusable pouches.

Drink bottles, do they know how to open them and refill them if required?


  1. Exciting times...I'm doing the same but with high school - man, it goes in a blink of an eye!!

  2. Ahhhhh I'm a teacher, and I wish all parents would follow this advice!! You're a smart mom. ;)

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