Sunday, 4 May 2014

Why Peppa Pig has a lot to answer for :-)

As a busy mum of four I have been known to turn the tv on to ABC for my daughter to watch Peppa Pig, to allow me to cook / eat / think about food.

You might even find an episode (or 12) on my iphone and iPad. 

Peppa Pig at times has been my saviour as my 21 month old has an almost obsessive fascination with Peppa Pig.

She went through a stage where she wouldn't sit in the bath until a Peppa Pig non slip bath mat saved the day.

Want her to sit at a table so you can drink your hot chocolate - no drama pull out the Peppa Pig Mini Sketch Book Set and you can drink in peace.

She wouldn't eat lunch - problem solved with a Peppa Pig Table 3 piece set with matching peppa pig cutlery.

So don't get me wrong we love Peppa Pig in this house, but it comes with a price.

Any mum who has let their child watch the Peppa Pig episode Bubbles would agree.

Now we don't drink milkshakes - we watch with fascination as the milk overflows out the cup as we blow bubbles. 

Now a puddle is not something we tread carefully around, it's an opportunity to splash and cover ourselves and any unsuspecting sibling in cold muddy water.

But her ultimate favorite the raspberry, and whilst Peppa Pig blows a raspberry with her mouth into the air, we must one up Peppa Pig, no our Raspberries are wet, they are cheeky and they are on any exposed skin that she may find.

So my five minutes of peace comes with a price, one I am willing to pay

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